김근철 교수
분자유전학, Epigenetics, Chromatin remodeling, Gene regulation
분자유전학 연구실
1992. 중앙대학교(이학사)
1994. 중앙대학교(이학석사)
2001. 중앙대학교(이학박사)
2010 ~ 2011. Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University School of Medicine, GA, USA
2001. ~ 2005. The Burnham Institute, CA, USA
1. Increased Expression of FosBthrough Reactive Oxygen Species Accumulation Functions as Pro-Apoptotic Protein in PiperlongumineTreated MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells (2019.12, Mol. Cells)
2. SETDB1-mediated FosBregulation via ERK2 is associated with and increase in cell invasiveness during anticancer drug treatment of A549 human lung cancer cells (2018. 1, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.)